Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us…
1 John 3:1
– not simply conceived towards us and willed unto us, but actually bestowed upon us.
– let your minds…believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, be engaged and exercised about the Father’s love to us:
on the greatness of it,
the eternity of it,
the fixation of it,
the immensity of it,
the blessings contained in it,
the continuation of it;
on what we shall forever
and ever
enjoy as the objects and subjects of it…
…what hath been already bestowed on us, what we have enjoyed and do enjoy out of and from this
i n f i n i t e
o c e a n !
You will find enough to delight your minds, to comfort your hearts, to fill you with joy unspeakable and full of glory…
May the Lord the Spirit lead you daily and continually to
and survey the love of your heavenly Father towards you…
– Samuel Eyles Pierce (1746-1829)
The post behold what appeared first on The Pasture's Blog.